When to Pivot: Professional and Personal Shifts

Jun 26, 2024By Benjamin Adkins, ICP-ACC
Benjamin Adkins, ICP-ACC

Life is a series of shifts and pivots, whether in your career, relationships, or personal development. Understanding when and how to pivot is crucial for growth and happiness. As an ACC certified Agile life and leadership coach, I’ve seen firsthand how pivotal moments can redefine our paths.

Recognizing the Need for a Shift

Professional Pivots: In your career, stagnation can be a clear sign it's time for a change. Are you feeling unchallenged or unfulfilled? Have your values shifted, or do you see a mismatch between your goals and your company's direction? These are indicators that a pivot may be necessary. Moving towards roles that align with your current aspirations can reinvigorate your career and set you on a path to success.

Relationship Changes: Similar to your professional life, relationships require reciprocation and growth. Whether it’s a friendship, romantic relationship, or family connection, both parties need to contribute equally. Reflect on the health of your relationships. Are your needs being met? Are you valued and respected? If not, it may be time to reevaluate these connections. Remember, emotional decisions can cloud your judgment. Instead, strive for objectivity by considering your long-term well-being.

Objective Decision-Making with Agile Principles

Agile principles aren’t just for project management; they can guide your personal and professional shifts. Here’s a formula to help you pivot effectively:

Evaluate: Regularly assess your current situation. In Agile, this is akin to a sprint review. Ask yourself, "What is working? What isn’t? Where do I see myself in the future?"
Reflect: Reflect on feedback and outcomes. In relationships and career, feedback is invaluable. What have you learned from your experiences? How have others responded to your actions?
Plan: Set clear, achievable goals. In Agile, we call this backlog refinement. Prioritize what matters most to you, whether it’s job satisfaction, personal growth, or mutual respect in relationships.
Execute: Take actionable steps towards your goals. This might mean applying for new jobs, having honest conversations with your partner, or seeking professional development opportunities.
Review and Adjust: Continuously review your progress and be willing to adapt. Life is dynamic, and being flexible is key. If something isn’t working, don’t be afraid to pivot again.

The Importance of Knowing What Matters Most

When starting a new job, project, or relationship, it’s essential to understand what is most important to you. Having a clear understanding of your values and priorities allows you to stay grounded, even when things change. This clarity helps you navigate new situations more effectively and provides a touchstone to return to when you feel off track.

In relationships, both professional and romantic, circumstances may evolve. However, by remembering what is most important to you, you can use the Agile guide to get back on track. Your core values and priorities serve as a compass, helping you make decisions that align with your true self and long-term goals.

Making the Shift
When you decide to pivot, ensure you’re doing so with a clear mind. Avoid making decisions in the heat of the moment. Instead, give yourself time to process your thoughts and emotions. Discuss your plans with trusted friends, mentors, or a coach who can provide an objective perspective.

Life’s pivots are inevitable, but navigating them with an Agile mindset can make the process smoother and more rewarding. By staying objective and following a structured approach, you can make informed decisions that enhance your professional and personal life.

If you’re ready to explore these shifts and want guidance, I’m here to help. Visit benjaminjadkins.com to schedule a chemistry meeting. Together, we can uncover what truly matters to you and chart a course for success.

Stay Agile,

By Benjamin Adkins, ACC, Certified Agile Life and Leadership Coach